Trinity Ward 2022 Ward Plan

David, David & Keith are determined to create a Ward plan incorporating the views of residents, neighbourhood groups and local stakeholders. They are very keen to hear your opinions about what should be included.

They want to ensure they have a Ward plan that focuses on the topics that matter to you.

Over the next 4 years, we will be working hard for the Ward, listening, actioning, reviewing and updating the plan, as well as standing up for you on both Councils.

Of course, we are always happy to listen to residents' concerns on any issue; we are always available throughout the year via email, telephone, face to face or via our ward meetings.

Trinity 2022 Ward Plan Survey

  • Current Your Views
  • National Issues
  • Your details
1) How often do you think Ward meetings should be held
2) Where should Ward meetings be held
3) Does Birmingham City Council empty the bins regularly enough?
4) How often would you like your bins emptied?
5) Do you think Birmingham City Council cut the grass regularly enough?
6) What are your top THREE priorities for our area
7) How would you like to be kept informed